TG Cigars
The scope of the project includes architectural addition, renovation, and interior design for the New TG Cigar Lounge in Washington DC's Shaw Historic District. Through a renovation project, this popular TG Cigar Lounge and Store in DC sought to better utilize its space, accommodate its steady base of customers, and provide a better experience. The project exterior design including façade was designed from the Shaw Historic District's historic preservation guide in order to respect the context. The new space includes a cigar store, a cigar lounge, VIP cigar storage, a bar, an exterior patio, a full commercial kitchen and office tenant space. The resulting space injects a modern and timeless design edge into an existing space. The color palette of high-contrast neutrals with a hint of warmth adds depth to the space and contrasts nicely with the dark red and grey accents. Despite its small size, the space has been made more open and spacious by rearranging the store, lounge, bar, full-service kitchen, and staff area to improve walking flow and sightlines. This urban retreat gets a modern boost from a wood mosaic panel, floral pattern tile layout, and cold-rolled steel finishes.